Technical Advisory Council


Onsite Wastewater Treatment

December 12, 2001


Meeting held ---December 12, 2001 at Michigan State University, Crop & Soil Sciences Building.


Members and alternates present:   Del Mokma, Ric Falardeau, Scott Ross, Bob Long, Steve Aguinaga, Ron Lindsay, Larry  Stephens, Chuck Cousino, & Ken Goike.


Guests present: None


Meeting called to order by Chuck Cousino, Chairman.


Minutes of the October 22, 2001 meeting were reviewed.  Motion by Scott Ross, support by Del Mokma, to approve minutes.  Motion carried.





Guidance Documents ---


RSF Media --- Del passed out copies of the Advisory Statement for RSF Media, on letterhead, that was approved for distribution at the TAC’s August 29, 2001 meeting.  The TAC again discussed methods for getting the document distributed, including the MOWRA web site. 


Chuck brought up a question with regard to the effect of water softener backwash on sand filter media.  A recent conversation with Orenco Systems with regard to an RSF media problem brought light to the fact that this could be a problem.  How can the TAC get the word out with regard to this issue?


Guidance Document for Cluster Systems --- Motion by Del, support by Ron, to approve the Guidance Document for Local Units of Government entitled “DECENTRALIZED WASTEWATER SYSTEMS FOR SMALL COMMUNITIES” for distribution.  Motion carried.


Classification of Electrical Equipment - Wastewater Treatment Systems -  Ron passed out a revised draft of the TAC information bulletin.  TAC members reviewed and discussed the document.  TAC members are to review and fed Ron their comments, so Ron can prepare a final draft by the next meeting.


Wastewater Flow Study --- Ted indicated he was going to work on this item before the January conference. 


Senate Bill 107 --- Nothing seems to be happening with regard to this legislation. 



Rose Hill ---  A letter has been received from the property owner that all of MSU’s equipment will need to be removed from the site by April 1, 2002.  The site will no longer be available for research.


Sanitarians Ready-Reference --- None of the TAC members have had time to work on recommended changes to this document.  TAC members should be prepared to discuss this work in detail at the next meeting.




MOWRA Meeting with DEQ Staff --- Last week MOWRA had a meeting with DEQ staff regarding the portion of the Part 41 rules that require the local unit of government to “sign off” on the Part 41 permit application.


Annual Wastewater Conference --- Steve wants to have a table for TAC information at the conference. 


Advantex NSF Performance --- Ron, Larry and Chuck reported what they knew of the NSF testing and certification of the Advantex treatment units by OSI.  A report is expected by the first of the year.


Ted’s Return --- Ted Loudon is expected to be back in Michigan on January 2nd.




Next Meeting February 13, 2000

Location --- to be determined.




Future Meeting Dates:          None set.


Meeting was adjourned at 1:15 PM.




                                                                                    Larry D. Stephens, P.E., Sec.
