Technical Advisory Council


Onsite Wastewater Treatment

March 28, 2002


Meeting held March 28, 2002 at Michigan State University, Crop & Soil Sciences Building.


Members and alternates present:   Ted Loudon, Del Mokma, Ric Falardeau, Scott Ross, Bob Long, Gary White, Al Frier, Larry Stephens, & Chuck Cousino.


Guests present: None


Meeting called to order by Chuck Cousino, Chairman.


Motion by Al, support by Ted, that the minutes of the February 13, 2002 meeting be approved as mailed out.  Motion Carried.





MOWRA Website --- Chuck and Larry will follow up with Ben Foster to make sure that the website is as complete as possible with regard to TAC information and documents.


Wastewater Flow Study --- August 1, 2002 is the target date to have this document finished.  Ted will follow up on this.


Potential MWEA Membership --- We are waiting on a letter of interest from MWEA.  If a letter of interest is received timely, an email or mail ballot will be sent out before the next meeting on the issue of adding MWEA as a member organization of the TAC in accordance with the provisions of the bylaws.  Chuck and Larry will follow up on this.


Sanitarians Ready-Reference revisions ---


Members discussed the portions of the guide to be revised.  Each member is to try to get the first draft of their revised sections done by the May 15, 2002 meeting.   If they can be distributed to members for review before the meeting, it would help.




Statewide Septic Tank Standard --- Ted brought up the subject of the need for a state standard on septic tank manufacturing.  Ted has researched some standards adopted and written in other states, and has met with some people regarding this effort.  The group wants to know if the TAC could help in some way to develop a standard.


The question seems to be that this effort is going forward --- does the TAC want to be involved?


Motion by Larry, support by Al, that the TAC help with this effort to develop a uniform state standard on septic tank manufacturing.  Motion carried.




Next Meeting --- May 15, 2002


Location --- MSU, unless changed by written notice.




Future Meeting Dates:


June 19, 2002


Meeting was adjourned.



                                                                                    Larry D. Stephens, P.E., Sec.
