Meeting Minutes

Technical Advisory Council


Onsite Wastewater Treatment

October 22, 2001


Meeting held October 22, 2001 at Michigan Department of Environmental Quality offices.


Members and alternates present:   Del Mokma, Ric Falardeau, Scott Ross, Bob Long, Gary White, Al Frier, Larry  Stephens, & Chuck Cousino


Guests present: None


Meeting called to order by Chuck Cousino, Chairman.


Minutes of the August 29, 2001 meeting were reviewed as mailed out.  Al Frier moved, support by Del Mokma, to approve the minutes as mailed.  Motion carried.




Guidance Document on Decentralized Cluster Systems --- Ted made some suggested changes.  Several different drafts seem to be floating around, so Larry will get the latest suggested version from Ted to send out with the minutes of this meeting.  The goal will be to finish this document by the January conference.


RSF Media Recommendations --- Del will check with Barb DeLong to see if this document has been finalized on letterhead.


Electrical Classification - Wastewater Pumping Locations --- Discussion on this matter is postponed due to the absence of Ron Lindsay.


Wastewater Flow Study --- Del will again check with Ted regarding the status of this matter. 


MOWRA Website --- The TAC discussed what items to ask MOWRA to add to their Website:


·         TAC Purpose and Membership

·         TAC Bylaws

·         TAC Publications

·         TAC Minutes, after approval.


Senate Bill 107 --- TAC members are asked to inquire as to the status of this legislation.  No further information is available at this time.


Annual Conference --- A tentative program was passed around for review.


New Subdivision Rules --- Ric reported that DEQ held another training session for surveyors. 

Training Center Update --- Del reported on the Training Center programs held this summer and fall.  Attendance has been sparse, but adequate to hold the sessions.




Proposed Wetland Treatment for Communities of Emmit and Avoca --- TAC members do not know much about the proposals for these communities.


Proposed Wetland Systems --- DEQ Rules --- To date three systems have been approved.  These are two schools, and a camp.  Details of these systems are not known, and no performance information is yet available.


NOWRA Conference - Virginia Beach --- Del Mokma, Bob Long, and Larry Stephens attended and shared some information with the TAC.


Ted Loudon’s Plans --- Del reported to the TAC that Ted is planning on returning from his special assignment in January.


Sanitarian’s Ready Reference Guide --- MEHA’s goal is to have this document revised for distribution at the Spring MEHA meeting; however, the wastewater portion of this document could be distributed at a later date.  It is more important that this work be done right than quickly.  The wastewater section of this guide was reviewed by the TAC.


Del - will review the soils section - pages 207 to 214.

Larry/Chuck - will review the hydraulic and pressure distribution information - pages 218 to 225.

Bob - will review pages 203-206, 217 & 226.

Al - pages 215 & 216.

Al, Ric & Scott - How can we handle alternative treatment?


Members to bring back comments and proposed revisions at next meeting.




Next Meeting --- December 12, 2001

Location to be announced.




Future Meeting Dates:  February, but date not yet set.           


Meeting was adjourned at 2:30 PM.





                                                                                    Larry D. Stephens, P.E., Sec.
