Technical Advisory Council


Onsite Wastewater Treatment

Sept. 8, 2004 (Revised)


Meeting held, Sept. 8, 2004 at Michigan State University, Turfgrass Research Farm.


Members and alternates present: Larry Stephens, Chuck Cousino, Regina Young, Tony Drautz, Dale Ladouceur, Ben Foster and Ron Lindsay.


Guests present:  None


Meeting called to order by Chuck Cousino, Chairman.


Motion by Regina, support by Tony, that the minutes of the July 22, 2004 meeting be approved as distributed.  Motion carried.





Filter Fabric Specifications for Use Over Drainfields --- Ben sent out 23 letters of inquiry to companies that make geotextile fabric, and had only one response.  And that response had nothing to say in answer to the questions raised in Ben’s inquiry.  Chuck will check with Ted to get the final draft of the TAC Advisory on filter fabric use over drainfields for potential adoption at the next meeting.


Commercial Flow Study --- No action.


Site Compaction Advisory --- No action.  Larry still needs electronic version of this document for posting on the website.


Link to Wisconsin Website on Product Approvals --- The link to the Wisconsin website on product approvals in Wisconsin is now posted on the MOWRA website for those that want to access that information.  Dale will check with Ric and discuss with Ben how the link can be made easier to use.


Michigan Concrete Tank Association --- No report.


Statewide Code --- Chuck and Larry – Nothing to report since last meeting.


DEQ Reorganization --- Dale passed out a Reorganization Structure Plan of the Water Bureau.  The reorganization of the department is still being formulated.



Regulatory Structure Document --- Dale passed out a copy of the fee structure recently passed for the groundwater discharge permit program.  How should this information be incorporated into the Regulatory Structure Document?  One suggestion is to put some footnotes in the document with asterisks indicating that a fee structure is now in place as of some date, and a listing of the website and rule number reference for one to use to research the fee amounts.  Chuck will check with Ric on this.


Guidance Document for Local Units of Government --- Regina feels very strongly that there needs to be additional guidance provided to local units of government on how to effectively respond to requests for private proposals for community wastewater systems.  TAC members feel that there are a lot of issues with regard to the development of community wastewater systems that need further guidance.  One area is the review of Master Deed language to assure provisions are made for long-term management of the system.  The TAC will continue to work on updating this document.  Regina agreed to provide a list of her concerns for consideration at the next meeting.




Drip Irrigation --- Larry informed the TAC that NOWRA is putting the final touches on a recommended drip irrigation standard.  Also, the Tennessee Valley Authority has just finished the publication of a Peer-Reviewed Drip Irrigation Design Manual.


Meeting dismissed at about 12:30 P.M.




To be announced.


Location --- To be announced.




Future Meetings – To be determined.         



                                                                                    Larry D. Stephens, P.E., Sec.