
Technical Advisory Council


Onsite Wastewater Treatment

October 29, 2007





Meeting held at 9:45 am. at Boss Engineering in Howell.


Ted Loudon generously volunteered to serve as Secretary in Regina’s absence.


Members & alternates present:  Chuck Cousino, Tony Drautz, Larry Johnson, Ted Loudon, Del Mokma, Ron Lindsay, Jim Kovalak, Dan Sandahl, Steve Williams (Williams and Works, replaced Bill Danly as the MWEA rep.) 


Guest: Gene Paez


Review of agenda. Approved.


Meeting Minutes of July 24 Reviewed.  Moved by Dan Sandahl and support by Ted Loudon to approve the minutes. Approved unanimously.




Web site postings – Need title change on Tank Inspection/Installation document.  Remove the words “final Dec. 2006” & insert, “Installation & Inspection”.  Approved OWAP document needs to be posted.  Need revision on Members List for MWEA rep.


Commercial Flow Study – Gary White forwarded information that he had sent out requests to LHD’s for additional flow data, (This was the second request).  Laura Pobanz from the MCHD is working on obtaining & evaluating data.  So far 6 LHDs have responded, 2 have sent data.  The second request was for data to be submitted by the end of the year.  Larry Johnson indicated that he would also try to encourage LHD’s to respond.


Concrete Manufacturers Assoc. – The OWAP document has been approved by all TAC member groups.  This document needs to be posed on the TAC website.


Training Center – Ted reported good attendance at sessions this year except the fall Soils class that had to be cancelled for lack of enrollment.  Jim Kovalak mentioned that one problem in the field is lack of inspector training on evaluation of pump systems.


MDEQ Community Systems document – no report


Grab Sampling document – Document was reviewed with some editorial comments.  Del agreed to incorporate the comments and return the document to Chuck & Ted for final revisions.  Goal to have TAC provide a final review & subsequent approval at the next meeting.


New Business


New MWEA representative is Steve Williams of Williams and Works.  Chuck will provide Regina with contact information.


Ideas for future TAC activities

-  Jim Kovalak volunteered to provide a “Draft” document or this item for the group to review.


Meeting adjourned at 11:45.   Following adjournment, the group went to lunch and then to the Livingston County Septage Transfer Station in Hartland.  Brian Jonckheere (Livingston Co. Drain Commissioner) provided a tour of the site.  He provided information on, design & approval process, how the site works, telemetry, monitoring, costs, etc…




Minutes Approved 1-30-08